Sin. , VomBom, Cheerleader Roadkill, Tunnel Saturday, Oct 26, 07:00 PM-12:00 AM (2024) Sunday 27 October 00:00 LOT 49 (Formerly the Mouse Trap)
Seaside Tryst (from Seattle) + E.T. , Melter, Miss Misery & more @Lot 49 Friday, Oct 18, 07:00 PM-01:00 AM (2024) Saturday 19 October 01:00 LOT 49 (Formerly the Mouse Trap) Electronicdjpost punksynthsynth punk
Instructor and Direct Threat @ Lot 49 Thursday, Aug 08, 07:00 PM (2024) LOT 49 (Formerly the Mouse Trap)
DIZTORT live in Chicago Wednesday, Apr 03, 07:00 PM (2024) LOT 49 (Formerly the Mouse Trap) Chicago HardcoreCollateralContemptDiztortEnervateLot 49